Project Name: Patchwork in Education Through Zero Waste
Number: 2023-1-FR01-KA210-ADU-000150836
Start Date: 15.11.2023
End Date: 15.11.2024
Project Summary: Adult Education has gained great importance in recent years and has begun to be addressed in different dimensions in the world. Adult education has not been able to show the necessary development due to the pandemic and adults have experienced problems even in their daily lives. It seems that the sensitivity to environmental education shows a very low indicator in adults. To overcome this, With our partners who have developed an adult education project similar to vocational education, it is aimed to instill environmental awareness in adult education and to utilize waste materials with an approach that includes both real and digital competencies.
Coordinator: Association Hexagonale de l’Innovation Sociale et de l’Éducation, France
Partners: Paydaş Eğitim Kültür ve Sanat Derneği, Türkiye
University of Patras, Greece