Start Date :01.11.2021
End Date :01.11.2023
Hacettepe Üniversitesi(Turkey)
PAYDAŞ Eğitim Kültür ve Sanat Derneği (Turkey)
Rightchallenge – Associação (Portugal),
Ângulos e Argumentos LDA (Portugal),
Zavod Boter (Slovenia),
Ekonomska sola Novo mesto (Slovenia)
Summary of the project:
We are reaching a critical point in history when solving the problems of humankind has become a matter of our very survival. Finding sustainable solutions to these problems has never been more pressing, as population pressure, violence, and environmental degradation are on the rise.The European Pillar of Social Rights jointly proclaimed by EU Leaders at the 2017 Gothenburg Social Summit establishes, as its first principle, quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning.In aiming to foster more fair and tolerant societies, the Council adopted the Recommendation on Promoting common values, inclusive education, and the European dimension of teaching in 2018. Inclusion is one of the six dimensions of European Education Area (EC,2020) which is introduced by the European Commission to establish a reinforced approach to ensure the achievement of Europe.Students should be provided with appropriate vocabulary, opportunities for practice and endless possibilities that will allow them to internalize and apply those skills needed to support peaceful problem-solving in the future.Teachers are the key drivers for this change.
Students should be provided with appropriate vocabulary, opportunities for practice and endless possibilities that will allow them to internalize and apply those skills needed to support peaceful problem-solving in the future.Thus,the project aims to create an inclusive learning environment and reducing violence and support teachers and other educators in dealing with the increasing diversity of learners by providing them:
• An educational Framework on Peace Education(EF)
• An open online course for middle and secondary school teachers (OOC)