Programme: KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Start Date: 01/09/2022
Project total Duration (Months): 12
Project End Date : 12 01/09/2023
Topic: Development of disadvantaged rural and urban areas Awareness about the European Union Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination.
Applicant Organization: Stichting Aover de gäöt (E10138727 – NL) , Netherlands
Stadt Emmerich am Rhein Germany
Paydaş Eğitim Kültür ve Sanat Derneği, Türkiye
Training course topics: Introductions and getting to know each other Session 1. Gender and inequality, Women and power Social or cultural activity, Leadership & female leadership Session, Conflicts resolution from a gender perspective Social or cultural activity, Negotiation skills from a gender perspective Session, Decision making & Problems solving from a gender perspective, Change management Social or cultural activity and related topics.